de Souza Garcia was born in Urutaí (Goiás
State - Brazil) in five of August of 1934 and to the
six years of age moved away for Ipameri.
1980 she began to "joke with the clay in the
hand", as she same says, to invitation of Tiana
Tomé, when created her first works.
first work that was shown to the public was its today
known crib, that she created for itself and that from
the beginning of the decade of eighty passed it to
be exhibited in the Christmas period in the shop window
of the Elvira Boutique.
1982 her first exposition happened in the Fountain
of the University Plaza, in Goiânia. From this
exposition Neusa passed to be recognized in the State
of Goiás and in all the country by the beauty
and importance of her works.