Adilson Fritsche

          Adilson Fritsche is a talented young programmer who developed the resources for me to be offered by this website as free guestbooks and free hitcounters. But it is not just that, Adilson is a friend who meets me whenever I ask his help or have a question, a responsible, friendly and helpful young man.

          I should be just another client to Adilson, but we have developed so many projects toqether (he create unique guestbooks for most of my websites and a message board for Poeta ( that we have become friends and our e-mails where much more casual and fun.

          The Adilson's guestbooks are unmatched, following the website's design and the result is just as we wish, there is no gestbook on the internet that can compare, I emphatically recommended:

Lupércio Mundim

Poetic Soul Counters